How to use OpenCL for GPU work
We use OpenCL to run workloads on GPU and try a simple blur filter.
We look into how to build docker images for performance. Talk about the compromises between speed and size.
I look into the Ceph Rook orchestrator that is the pre-cursor to the Ceph admin tooling. This installtion uses an Kubernetes installation in order to deploy a cluster and scale it up and down. Sadly the Ceph GUI don’t have much control so all changes are done with Kubernetes manifests from the command line.
This week I’ve looked into fetching list prices using the list price rule defined in commerce. There isn’t any GUI to set the rule used for your list prices. And if you just fetch the value from CatalogEntryDataBean getListPrice you will get the value in the table LISTPRICE which should be deprecated in FEP6. You…
We look at setting up, running, and setting up deployments on Kubernetes. We talk about running and scaling pods, connecting services and pushing to google cloud.
We look into setting up a local copy of jitsi video conference solution on a clean Debian install. We also try it out and see how it impacts the installed server.
I’m trying to solve all the Advent of Code puzzles in this video series.