DevLog 1 – SQRL – Secure Quick Reliable Login
I talk about a project I've started to work on. The specific technologies I've looked into and tried to implement.
We look at how to use web components in Angular, React or VanillaJS.
I’m trying to solve all the Advent of Code puzzles in this video series.
Today our cat took her last breaths. She was almost 18 years old, so it was her time. But it still brings me great sadness, and I feel a real emptiness.
We look at what will come in the next release of java. Java 13, this release will boost your development and help you get up and running.
If you’ve added the JSP performance enhancements I’ve discussed in an earlier post. Then I talked about a flag that disabled JSP compilation. In order to run without compilation enabled you need to precompile your JSP files. This could be done with the JspBatchCompiler command found inĀ {WAS_ROOT}/bin This command has multiple parameters but only a…
We use an easy method to retrain a pre-trained model for object classification. Transfer learning is an easy and quick method to retrain a model for good classification of objects.