Java 9 HttpClient incubation vs Pure Java
We look at the differences in how we do HTTP requests today in Java 8 vs the new incubation project in Java 9 for HttpClient.
We look into how to install Headwind MDM and connect an Android device to it. This system is a great choice for medium size companies that want to manage their mobile fleet.
We solve today’s challenge at the advent of code 2020. Come join us and have some fun.
In this video, I give a small view of our new office and introduce channel memberships.
We look into how to build a Debian package from source after we have done some patching of a bug that we needed to solve in the original package. Debian is a great system with good tools for building packages.
We look into the different ways that your Java code can be executed and how this impacts performance.
We are looking into the vulnrability of Log4J version 2 and how to mitigate the exploit. We also look at the differences of version 1 and version 2 of Log4J