Git the basics #3 (how-to)
In this video we talk about how to use remote repositories, pushing and fetching changes and integrating them into our repository.
I challenge you to create a function to convert decimal to roman numeral in java. We are a long way from advent of code but I thought a coding challenge could be fun trying to create a good function to convert decimal numbers to roman.
We solve the day 2 challenges for the Advent of Code.
Keeping track of your disks in a Ceph cluster is important so you could replace them in time before data loss. In this video we look into how to use SMART data to run a machine learning prediction in order predict when a disk fails. SmartMonTools is used locally to fetch the data. The data…
I looked into how to make Vitess run in a production environment with High availability. I set up a haproxy to load balance the …
We install plausible and test how the analytics with plausible works. We read the code and try to understand what kind of features are available and look at how to integrate them into your site.
We talk about creating a new user and talk about user permissions and create login profile and start script, all needed for bootstraping user login.